There are various ways to launch a new business online. The internet provides a low start up cost environment for both part-time and full-time careers.
This internet planning system guides you through preparing a professional business plan for all types of online businesses including e-commerce platforms, eBay stores, traditional bricks and mortar stores and affiliate websites.
Detailed below is the executive summary taken from the product that is also available in a Word document (see below).
Rowlings Limited is a new company developing an online concept providing tuition and guidance for small business owners.
Timothy Jenkins and Catherine Rowlings have funded the company and have directorships with three current successful businesses. Their current portfolio generates £3.8 million in sales with a profit of £634,500 per year.
The current business strategy offers a new monthly paid subscription website with access to trial services to showcase the elements offered.
The site contains every aspect of starting and managing a successful business from the start through to an exit strategy. The services include access to discounted start-up investment funds, a discount club on utilities and insurance together with an advanced section to provide mentoring and coaching skills.
Rowlings are providing four core services in the first 18 months:
Advertising and sponsorship for the trial and free products provide additional revenues. Further membership levels introduced at the beginning of year two target university students.
We’re targeting the services to high street businesses as well as internet professionals who currently operate traditional online stores such as Amazon and eBay.
Projected revenues from membership fees for the first 12 months are £130,000 with premium services at £76,000 and commissions £12,000.
Year two budgets are £290,000, £185,000 and £28,000 with year three at £540,000, £274,000 and £45,000 respectively.
Gross profits are estimated to be £10,000 in year one rising to £230,000 in year three.
Timothy Jenkins and Catherine Rowlings own and run the day to day management of the business. All design and technology development has outsourced partners.
Two other staff members manage the online access, telephone helpline and content development. Initial investment provided by the owners is £45,000 with £123,000 required by bank finance.
Contents of this plan
1) Executive Summary
2) Business Mission
3) Ownership and Location
4) External Analysis
5) SWOT Analysis
6) Planned Objectives
7) Key Action Plans
8) Management Biographies
9) Profit & Loss Account
10) Cash flow Forecast
11) Balance Sheet
Free Bonuses Included
1) 25 Free Marketing techniques
2) Financial Planning wizard
3) Step-by-step Planning guide
4) Free Online Support
5) Comprehensive start-up guide
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